Digital Resources


Please note: Many of the links on this page are links to YouTube videos. As such you may encounter advertising embedded in these clips. Viewing these resources will be subject to your school's internet responsible use policies and procedures. 


This virtual number line, from the Math Learning Centre,  is an open-ended educational tool, ideal for elementary classrooms and other learning environments that use laptops, iPads, Chromebooks, or Windows devices.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9... and 0. With just these ten symbols, we can write any rational number imaginable. But why these particular symbols? Why ten of them? And why do we arrange them the way we do? Alessandra King gives a brief history of numerical systems. 

Counting and Place Value

This picture story book by April Pulley Sayre & Jeff Sayre allows students to explore the key idea of partitioning. 

NZmaths provide support materials for this storybook which can be found here

This picture story book by Anna Milbourne and Serena Riglietti explores a million through the character Pipkin the penguin.

This video on the book by David Schwartz is about a Mathematical Magician who presents the numbers: one million, one billion and one trillion as a set of scenarios to help his audience conceptualise the vast difference between these numbers.  

NZmaths provide support materials for this storybook which can be found here

A variety of counting stories to explore. 

From ABC Education - numbers are represented in tens frames, words, numerals and dice dots.  There are five different levels to explore covering numbers before and after (level 1) as well as skip counting (level 5).  

**NEW** GOAT Maths (Greatest of all time Maths)

Developed by ABC Education and Monash University.

Prof. Dianne Siemon (RMIT)

The following videos were created in response to participant questions from 'Developing Mathematical Understanding (DMU) - Multiplicative Thinking' Professional Learning 2018.

Copy of 10_Strategies to Support Trusting The Count.mp4
Copy of 09_Supporting Students Who Don't Yet Trust The Count.mp4

Addition and Subtraction

A variety of addition and subtraction stories to explore. 

The Difference Bar is a tool that helps you find differences by breaking numbers up. 

Copy of 03_Content_Yr 1 & 2_Establishing Addition and Subtraction.mp4

This video by Prof. Dianne Siemon (RMIT) was created in response to participant questions from 'Developing Mathematical Understanding (DMU) - Multiplicative Thinking' Professional Learning 2018.

Multiplication and Division

This picture story book by Pat Hutchins allows students to explore the key ideas of fractions, division and multiplication. 

Rich provide support materials for this storybook which can be found here.

This picture story book by Stuart J.Murphy allows students to explore the key ideas of division, including making sense of remainders and multiplication.

**NEW** Divide it up  

From ABC Education: Focus on quotition division.

Use a dividing tool to make equal shares of stationery such as pens, pencils or crayons. 

From ABC Education - Split a division into parts that are easy to work with, use times tables, then solve the original calculation. 

Growing Mathematically is an initiative that supports and promotes the use of learning progressions, formative assessment and targeted teaching as effective teaching strategies for mathematics. 

Multiplicative Thinking Videos by Prof. Dianne Siemon (RMIT)

The following videos were created in response to participant questions from 'Developing Mathematical Understanding (DMU) - Multiplicative Thinking' Professional Learning 2018.

Copy of 10_Strategies to Support Trusting The Count.mp4
Copy of 09_Supporting Students Who Don't Yet Trust The Count.mp4
Copy of 13_Key Shift from Additive to Multiplicative Thinking.mp4
Copy of 06_Relationship Between Multipliction and Division.mp4
Copy of 14_Quotition Division.mp4

(1:54 mins) 

Copy of 05_Moving From Modelling to Abstract Thinking.mp4
Copy of 02_Resources_Multiplicative Thinking.mp4
Copy of 03_Content_Yr 1 & 2_Establishing Addition and Subtraction.mp4
Copy of 04_Encorporating Multiplicative Thinking with Measurement.mp4