Digital Resources


Please note: Many of the links on this page are links to Youtube videos. As such you may encounter advertising embedded in these clips. Viewing these resources will be subject to your school's internet responsible use  policies and procedures.  

A Youtube recording of the picture story book read aloud. This story uses wit and humor to draw children into thinking about area and perimeter.

A wise man decides that his reward for helping the king will be a grain of rice that doubles for each square of the chessboard. Explore this growing pattern.  Will there be enough rice to pay the wise man?  

A Youtube video using a pan balance to provide a concrete way to describe how an equation works.

A Youtube video that  explores  the relationship of patterns in flowers and how they relate  to other natural and physical forms.  

Explore, deduce, create

The logic of these puzzles is the same as the logic behind solving equations but the visual format and logic they develop make them accessible from age 6 through to adult.

Explore different patterns.  Can you work out the next image in the pattern?

A digital version of a function machine.  Can you work out the rule?