GCSE English

To nurture well-rounded, well-read and well-spoken students who are able to read reflectively, think independently, communicate coherently and express themselves eloquently.


We follow the AQA GCSE syllabus and all students study both English Language and Literature.

For English Language, students study both fiction and non-fiction texts. They cover a wide range of texts and extracts, ranging from the 19th century to modern day writers. This equips them to evaluate both classics and contemporary writers, encouraging them to explore reading beyond their usual choices. In class, students explore and analyse writers’ techniques, write creative and non-fiction texts themselves, prepare presentations and participate in discussions.

For English Literature, students study the Power & Conflict poetry anthology Macbeth, by Shakespeare and a modern drama, An Inspector Calls, by J. B. Priestley. They will also study A Christmas Carol, a novel by Charles Dickens.

The two elements of Language and Literature will be taught together in alternating units of work, and students will be assessed each half term to measure progress in both skills and content.



English Language Paper 1 – Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing

written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

80 marks

50% of GCSE

English Language Paper 2 – Writers' Viewpoints and Perspectives

written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

80 marks

50% of GCSE


English Literature Paper 1 - Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel

written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

64 marks

40% of GCSE

English Literature Paper 2 - Modern texts and poetry

written exam: 2 hour 15 minutes

96 marks

60% of GCSE

Spoken language endorsement

AQA GCSE English Language has an endorsed component covering spoken language.

This endorsement is reported as a separate grade (Pass, Merit, Distinction or Not Classified) and will not contribute to the result of the GCSE English Language qualification.


Parents can support by encouraging students:

Encouraging wider reading of a range of both fiction and non-fiction texts.

Encourage discussions around the texts they are reading within school.

Encourage consistent revision of core texts.

Checking students spelling and grammar of written work.

Cultural enrichment opportunities, such as taking children to performances of plays.


Poetry Society

English Society

Supporting in the Library

Drama Club