
Geography at Avanti strives to take students on a learning journey which is challenging and encompasses a variety of skills, knowledge and themes. As geographers we aim to promote a spirit of enquiry amongst all students, which inspires curiosity and wonder, encouraging them to reflect upon their own place in society, creating responsible, global citizens. So get involved and “Look around” because “Without Geography … you’d be lost”.


KS3 Geography is about how to live sustainably on our planet: how can we have social, economic and environmental development without damaging the prospects of future generations (Sustainability). It introduces places (Africa, Asia), skills (map reading and data manipulation) and processes such as the water cycle and climate change.

In an age of increasing interconnectedness, a holistic overview of how physical and human systems affect one another is useful. With Geography you get to see the big picture, identify problems and find solutions. Our course lays the foundation for GCSE and prepares every pupil to understand major global issues such as migration, climate change and pollution.



Students will be expected to develop the following knowledge, skills and understanding:

Physical geography, including plate tectonics, rocks, climate change and coasts; and human geography, including population, urbanisation, international development and natural resources.

They learn how physical and human processes affect landscapes, environments and the climate, and how human activity relies on natural systems. Additionally,

Pupils develop their knowledge of globes, maps and atlases, in the classroom and in the field.

They learn how to interpret Ordnance Survey maps.

They use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to view, analyse and interpret places and data.

They do fieldwork in contrasting locations to collect, analyse and draw conclusions from geographical data


We will use a range of assessments:

Formal tests / examinations

Tracking of quality of class and homework through books/folders

Speaking and oral presentations

We will also use a range of different styles of feedback to students:

Extensive (deep) marking in which the teacher provides formative comments for future improvement which the student is expect to act on in the following lesson.

Non-written feedback which can take the form of verbal, peer and self-assessment.


Use music, films and soaps as sources of geographical information to help your child understand and develop a sense of place and to be aware of topical issues. It will enable them to explore patterns and processes, interaction between people and places, environmental issues, and socio-economic and physical differences.

Encourage your child to consider how technology changes the way we interact with the environment and each other. How do social networking sites enable global communities to interact? What effect might this have on people in the developing world?

Use postcards, posters and pictures to discuss other places. Think about where the image was taken. Are there any people in the image? What might their lives be like? What are they doing? What might they be saying? What objects are in the image, and what are they for? What is the environment like?


Year 7: local river / infiltration study Year 8: local urban study Year 9: local ‘clone’ town study