
History at Avanti will help pupils find their place in in an increasingly globalised world. They will have empathy, synthesise and create their own independent thoughts, evaluate and critique sources of information to reach their own judgements and conclusions and allow the past to prepare them for the future.


Students are justifiably curious about their place in the world and how History has shaped the present. The study of history is vital to anyone with a desire to understand current trends in politics, economics, and society in general.

History at Avanti aims to encourage our children to think about the world they live in. Tackling the ‘big’ questions relating to society, religion, politics, and ethics. There is also a big push on the skills that the children learn which will prepare them in the short term for their onward KS4 courses in Humanities and in the long term for lifelong skills valued in education and employment. Examples of which are the evaluation of sources and secondary interpretations, constructing arguments and showing debate in essays with evaluative and analytical comments.



Core historical skills that students will develop in KS3 history are:

Identifying, explaining and evaluating change and continuity over time

Identifying, explaining and evaluating cause of events and the consequence that they have in the future

Identifying, explaining and evaluating the significance of events, key people and groups to build towards a debate

Identifying, explaining and evaluating primary sources for evidence

Identifying, explaining and evaluating interpretations and representations of the past


We will use a range of assessments:

Formal tests / examinations - PIPs

End of topic multiple choice examination

Speaking and oral presentations

Verbal - questioning during lessons

Pink and Green pens for self and peer-marking

We will also use a range of different styles of feedback to students:

Verbal feedback during lessons

A piece of extended writing to have formal feedback per half-term including PIPs

All other class notes and home-works to be peer/self-assessed with the support of the teacher


Encourage them to read more - Reading widely is a characteristic of all the most successful students. You could encourage your child on a set day to read an article from a newspaper which cover politics, society or the economy and discuss the subject matter together. This Week Junior is a great introductory newspaper format to get students started.

Devise fun ways to test them - Whatever age you are, continually testing what you’ve learned is a useful way to consolidate your new knowledge and make sure it sticks. You could set a weekly quiz based on what they’ve learnt that week in history, with a prize.

Watch documentaries with them - Most children watch TV shows with little educational value, whether that is on the family TV or online using Youtube. Why not watch something with them and use that to have a debate and discussion. Look for a trusted documentary maker such as the History channel.

Encourage dinner table debate – get the whole family to gather at the end of the day to discuss what the children learnt at school and what the adults gained from their work day. Kick off the discussion by asking them what they’ve been studying that day, and perhaps ask them to explain things to you. You could get a bit of a debate going by asking them what they think about the subject, and by challenging those opinions.

Reward them for good results or small improvements – take them on an educational trip! - Museums make for an enjoyable day out whilst still supporting your children’s learning, did you know you could make the short journey to St Albans and spend a day amongst Roman ruins all for free!


History at Avanti will commemorate and celebrate a variety of events over the academic year, for example;

Black History Month – including celebrating the history of all British ethnic minorities (October)

Remembrance week – including soldiers from Africa, Asia and Oceania (11/11)

Holocaust Memorial Day - including remembering all those affected by genocide (27/01)

We will run competitions and trips based on these events and others too and encourage parents and carers to participate by supporting your children and contacting the History team if you have any stories/contacts in these areas:

Mayor’s Remembrance Poetry competition

Ted Talks


BBC Bitesize


National Archives

The Guardian / Times / Telegraph / The Week Junior


Spartacus history

CGP revision guides

Oxford press textbooks: (Y7) Invasion, Plague and murder Britain 1066-1558 / (Y8) Revolution, industry and Empire Britain 1558-1901 / (Y() Technology, War and independence 1901 to present day.