PSHE is central to Avanti’s mission to educate the whole person. PHSE is implemented as part of Avanti’s holistic approach to education which seeks to form- as well as inform- young people in preparation for adult life.


PSHE- the Avanti way is a visionary educational offer. Regarding the challenges and charms of childhood today, we respect both what is, and what could be. Towards a better world for all, we resist limiting and divisive identities through colour, class, or religion and advocate engagement with our shared divine essence. Our PSHE spurs children to formulate their highest ideals and offers spirituality as the actualisation of these ideals amidst life’s challenges.

Our curriculum covers the statutory PSHE content for ‘Health & wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the wider world’ whilst nurturing the core competencies of ‘(a) Independence and Aspirations; (b) Autonomy and Advocacy; and (c) managing Choices and Influences’. We consider such worldly wisdom vital- but not adequate- to move from egocentricity, to effective communication and harmonious social living in our plural and ever-changing world.

Life’s sternest challenges- be they of relationships, employment, or loss and pain- will find young people in situations where academic excellence- and even good character- are found wanting. It is Spiritual Insight (sensitive to the needs and nature of each individual) which can empower lives with “wisdom, hope, community, & dignity” and offer young people the opportunity of happiness, personal fulfilment, and service to their world.

Journey through the years


Year 10 finds young adults finding their feet. They have made their choices and now assume responsibility in a world often indifferent to their welfare. Remaining connected with their dreams requires youngsters to distinguish freedom to (do what they want) and freedom from (exploitation and addiction). Hedonism and consumerism blur these vital distinctions- distinctions we seek to clarify through a non-judgemental exploration of the consequences of body-based obsessions ranging from pornography to prejudice and divisive identities.

Year 11 is a testing time. For many students, GCSE’s will rule everything around them. Others wait in anticipation of their freedom from academic indenture. Whatever their vision, the family needs to be a source of stability and wisdom. Through home-school collaboration, students will share and amplify their learning on issues from finances, relationships, and ownership of their own bodies- to the meaning of life. Towards fortifying a young adult’s response-ability to these challenges, our PSHE encourages trust in a universal, loving, and divine essence. Correspondingly, ‘Spirit-actuality’ is investigated as a worthy teleological ideal directing our lives. By the end of this eclosion year, learners will have had space to envision their worthiest ideal and been given access to practices exploring if the ideal is real. Respecting divergent ambitions, Avanti believes such self-realisation and idealism are the key to lives which are happy, personally fulfilled, and a blessing to their world.

PSHE and The Avanti Way

An exemplar of the integration of a core PSHE theme with our Paths, Values, and Core principles