Jamilah Amatur-Razzaq

Oil painting has become my favorite medium to utilize in order to capture the beauty and magnificence of the natural world. I am also privy to drawing and the use of mixed media to help enhance my paintings and create more accurate representations of my work. I wish for my art to be displayed anywhere and everywhere in the world so that various communities can enjoy the wonderful splendor of creating elegant artwork as I do. Whether my work is displayed in galleries, on websites, or best of all in the homes of my clients, I want to create work that will leave a lasting impression on those who view and own it. I wish to establish an enduring legacy of leaving the world a brighter and more marvelous place through my art.

The purpose of my thesis is to use color relationships with exotic plant forms to entice the viewer to take a journey into a colorful and mesmerizing world. By doing so, the viewer can lose themselves in an analysis and critique of the psychology of color. This will allow for further exploration and understanding of the impact of color and natural forms on mood, emotion, and communication of visual imagery between the artwork and the viewer. Using organic plant forms creates a more intimate relationship between the viewer and nature.

oil on canvas
16x20in, 202

oil on canvas
16x20in, 2021

Purple Haze
oil on canvas
16x20in, 2021

oil on canvas
16x20in, 2021

oil on canvas
16x20in, 2021