Davida Derry

Hello, my name is Davida Derry and I am an Arcadia University Graphic Design major, avid video game player, and art lover. Ever since I was little, I have been fascinated with how video games came to be. The combination of art and design, as well as the creation of graphic wonders that orbit around an immersive story always made me want to learn more about the processes that go into creating such video games. The best assets to video game production are the stories that make them such memorable and powerful works of art. In my thesis, I have created a video game concept called Moon Hero that is heavily based on character creation, background art, and information about the world around the characters. There will also be pieces that showcase the game’s design through promotional means. My hope is that I can tell a story through my character concepts, along with providing visually appealing artwork on the makings of Moon Hero.