#24 This Week in 5th Grade

Announcements/Important Dates

Below is important information regarding Clear Creek :

*I am sending home a blue folder with important Clear Creek information today. The blue form and green form are due Wednesday March 11th.

*If you haven't signed up online for Hope of America and your child wants to attend, please sign up here.

Monday March 9: Professional Development Day - no school

Friday March 13: Minimal Day

  • Early Bird schedule 8:00-11:30, Later Gator schedule 9:15-12:45
  • Lunch will be served at school

Wednesday March 18 - Wednesday March 25: 5th Grade Diaper Drive! Please read the information below.

Thursday March 26 - Friday March 27: Clear Creek 5th Grade Camp! On Monday, we will be sending home a Clear Creek permission slip that has general information for Clear Creek.

April 6: Snow Make-up Day

April 7 - 10: Spring Break

Thursday May 7: Hope of America Performance - please remember to register online if your child will be performing with us at the Marriott Center at BYU. I am still missing a lot of permission forms from students. I need them back, even if you are not attending. If you need another form, please email me.


Math: We just finished our adding and subtracting fractions unit, and we will be moving onto multiplying and dividing fractions next!

Deeper Learning Project: This week we have been working on a service project for refugees! In lieu of traditional literacy and writing time, we worked on our service project. While we were learning and writing about refugees, many students asked how they could help. I was so touched by their compassion. We found a great organization - Utah Refugee Connection - that provides ideas for how to serve/help refugees. In order to make the project come to life, we had several committees (video committee, poster committee, goal poster committee, powerpoint committee, and flier committee). We decided to do a Diaper Drive. The students chose which committee they wanted to be a part of, and then they collaborated with their groups to create their project. This project is so great because it helps students look outside of themselves, as well use the 6 c's (collaboration, critical thinking, character, creativity, citizenship, and communication).

  • The Diaper Drive will be from Wednesday March 18th - Wednesday March 25th. We are hoping to receive 1,000 diapers. The diapers can be any size, but must be in unopened packaging. We will have some 5th graders (and a teacher) sitting at the front at the beginning and end of school every day to collect diapers during that week.

Science: We did so many fun experiments this past week! We were still learning about chemical reactions, so we conducted experiments that had us mix different substances together. On Monday, we mixed different combinations of water, borax solution, and a glue solution. Tuesday, we combined baking soda and vinegar in a Ziploc bag to witness gas particles expanding - and eventually popping the bag! Thursday, we made slime by combining a glue solution and borax solution. We gathered evidence from each of these experiments, and used that evidence to determine which claim we agreed with. We had a class debate then about which claim was correct and used our evidence to support our reasoning.


If you are wanting to make a donation to our class, we are running very low on:

  • Tissues

Have a wonderful weekend! - Jackie

Working on our deeper learning project to organize a Diaper Drive for refugee families!

Powerpoint Committee

Poster Committee

Video Committee

Poster Committee

Video Committee

Science: Writing our new claims supported by evidence!

Below: Making slime and observing chemical reactions!