STOP - Anti-Bullying 

Bullying – We can STOP it

At Winton we have worked tirelessly over the past three years and had a significant impact on bullying at Winton. Our target is to eradicate it. We are not there yet but we believe we have the systems for reporting, the education to change behaviour and the sanctions to remove bullies, that will in time see us become bullying free.

Students tell us bullying is rare and they tell us that when it does happen it is dealt with quickly and that they are happy as a result of our actions.

It can take a number of forms relating to everything you could imagine. Bullying, particularly on the internet can have a real impact on young people. 

If students, staff or parents have any concerns around a child being bullied they should either;

1. Look to support the young person and suggest they use their ‘go to’ person.

2. Inform the child’s tutor.

3. Email naming the child and outlining concerns.

Our priority is to support the victim and ensure that the sanction supports re-education, preventing a repeat.

Bullying at Winton is defined as Several Times On Purpose. Friends falling out, one off incident or disagreements are not bullying. The malicious repeated targeting of a student will not be tolerated.

All bullying allegations are investigated. They are then classed as bullying or not. If they are recorded as bullying then they will be classified and monitored by the designated safeguarding lead. There is a termly STOP report which goes to the governing body.

Any student of Winton can get support through;

1. Their tutor.

2. Their anti-bullying rep.

3. Their anti-bullying prefect team.

4. Their ‘go to’ person.

5. Their parent or guardian.

Anti Bullying Policy