Inclusion Support


Winton Community Academy is a welcoming and inclusive school, where every pupil is valued, whatever their abilities, their strengths or their difficulties.

In the Inclusion Support team, we work with teachers to make sure that pupils get the best education possible.  For those pupils who may need extra support, either in some lessons or through targeted intervention programmes, we have a team of Learning Support Assistants who work closely with pupils and teachers, to ensure that the right level of differentiation or support is provided.

Our vision is that every student at Winton Community Academy is given the opportunity to thrive and achieve, so that all students can go on to take the next steps in their education and training, becoming successful members of the wider community.

Miss R Mapes - Assistant Principal Inclusion (SENDCo)

Mrs K McTiernan - SEND Administrator

 SEND - Local Arrangements

Winton Community Academy Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Information Report