Winton Library

The library has been stocked with over 2,000 brand new books which makes our catalogue over 4,000 books! Our library consists of a non-fiction and fiction section. The latter is categorised into the following genres: Historical fiction, Fantasy, Thriller, Crime, Science Fiction/Dystopian, Romance, General Fiction, Young Adult Fiction and Personal and Social Issues. We also have an extensive Biography/Autobiography section packed full of famous sports stars and other prominent people who children love to learn about! 

Our wonderful librarians keep up to date with world events and put together displays linked to the theme. E.g. National Women's Month (March) would include many celebrated women authors and Black Pride Month (October) would celebrate the achievements of black authors. 

All students have access to the Reading Cloud system, which allows you to search books by title or author. Students are also able to leave book reviews as well as request books for us to purchase. 

Students can borrow books for a period of 2 weeks and just need to remember to renew the books before the due date if they need more time. 

The library is open at break and lunch and all KS3 English classes have a timetabled library lesson once per fortnight where they can search the library for books, ask their English teacher for recommendations and then simply read for the rest of the lesson. 

We are really proud of our library and encourage all members of the Winton Community to treat it with respect by not leaving it untidy, not putting books back in random places and not using it as a place to chat with their friends!

Student Librarians

Role of Student Librarians 

Our student librarians are integral to the day to day running of the library and have been trained to use the Reading Cloud system so that they are able to help other students find books in our catalogue, as well as loan and return books. Student librarian duties are carried out to a maximum of 2 per week during their break and lunch times, following a rota that is on display in the library.

Librarians duties:

·   Make sure the books are tidy on the shelves:

·  Books are in the right section

·  Spines facing out

·  In alphabetical order

·  Books brought forward and not fallen behind (due to the depth of the shelves)

·  Return books to the library shelves

·  Senior librarians can scan any returned books back in to the library shelves

Student librarians are:

·   Reliable

·   Hardworking

·   Honest

·   Cheerful

·   Sensible

·   Enthusiastic 

Student librarians also:

·  Enjoy helping other members of the school

·  Can lead initiatives delegated by the librarian

·  Have an interest in books

·  Have good communication skills

·  Punctual and responsible