Temporary Closure Procedure 


The Academy will attempt to remain open at all times, however there may be occasions when it may have to close whether fully or partially.

Adverse Weather Conditions

If heavy snow falls overnight, the senior leadership team in conjunction with the site team will assess the risks associated with opening and consider the ability of staff to be able to get into work (accepting that many staff travel long distances) to provide full duty of care to our students. If this is the case the following will occur:


Fully closed – information about closure will be posted on our website, Facebook, Twitter and parents will receive a text by  7.30am but it will be as early as practicable. This will mean that the site is inaccessible.  In this situation the academy will do its utmost to ensure that it is open again as soon as possible.

Partially open – lessons may start for everyone later in the morning to ensure all students and staff can travel safely to the academy.  Specific arrangements will be posted on the website, Facebook, Twitter and by text.  The academy would still be open for those arriving earlier than the posted time.

Only specific year groups may be asked to come in – this may be because not all staff are able to get into work.  In this case students who should attend would be prioritised. Students involved with examination courses will be given priority. National examinations will continue if scheduled.

If the weather worsens during the day

Only in extreme circumstances will the academy be closed early. The decision to close will be made by the Headteacher and/or senior leadership team.

Any decision to close the academy early will be passed on to staff and students as soon as arrangements are in hand and information posted on to the website, Twitter, Facebook and by text. Contact may also be made with parents via students.

Parents/carers should only come to the academy to collect their children if they have received a text or phone call asking them to do so.

If parents/carers come to collect their child without prior authorisation from the academy they may have to wait until the academy is closed before their child is released.


All students can access student resources either through google classroom and Show My Homework to provide work for them while they are at home.

 We understand that it can be frustrating for parents/carers trying to get through on the telephone when all our lines are engaged by others calling for the same reason. We would therefore urge parents/carers to look at our website, Twitter or Facebook. If our phone lines or electricity are down then the academy will be unable to send out a computerised text message.