Curriculum Intent

Mrs C Franklin

Assistant Headteacher

Quality of Education

At Winton Community Academy there is a relentless drive to ensure that every student in the academy receives the best teaching, offering a broad and balanced curriculum which allows students to develop a passion for learning across a wide variety of subjects. 

We have a vision for a remarkable curriculum with social equality and opportunity at its heart; ensuring that students develop an astute awareness of themselves, their peers and their place in the world while learning the best knowledge in each subject area. 

Students' progress is carefully monitored and teaching staff know exactly where students are in their learning journey and are equipped to deploy the very best teaching strategies.  With knowledge tests consistently embedded in department schemes of work.

In constructing our knowledge-rich curriculum, we select and sequence the material to be taught with great care and purpose.  Key Stage 3 is broad, balanced and challenging, ensuring a strong academic grounding for all before pupils select from a range of option subjects for Years 10 and 11, studied alongside a core of subjects to GCSE level.

If you would like to know more about what's on offer to our students, take a look around our website or simply drop me email at