Unity City Academy is

a 'Good' School

Ofsted June 2022 

We hope you have time to read the full report, but some key highlights include:

1 - Staff have a good relationship with pupils. Teachers provide a calm environment in school which lets pupils get on with their learning. Pupils enjoy coming in every day, and told

inspectors there is a culture of tolerance and respect in the school.

2 - School leaders have a high level of ambition for pupils. There is a strong emphasis on personal development, this means that pupils are prepared for life after their studies. A range of extra-curricular activities are available to pupils, with the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and the Combined Cadet Force being popular.

3 - The curriculum at Unity City Academy is ambitious and broad. Inspectors noted that teachers have a good subject knowledge and can effectively explain concepts to pupils. Pupils are encouraged to develop their skills in problem solving, linking concepts together, and empathising with others in lessons. Where necessary, some parts of the curriculum are taught at a greater depth to help pupils embed their knowledge.

4 - At key stage 3 and 4, pupils study a wide range of subjects with more opting to study the English Baccalaureate (Science, History, Geography, and Science).

5 - The school has a clear reading strategy where pupils have at least one reading lesson per week. The curriculum in school reflects this and reading and vocabulary development is a feature of all subjects. During the inspection it was noted that some pupils in Year 10 have been trained to help younger pupils to read, which is having a positive impact.

6 - Pupils with special educational needs and/ or disabilities (SEND) are promptly identified and supported by school staff, and most are fully involved in the mainstream curriculum. For all pupils with SEND, the curriculum is carefully planned to meet their needs. Inspectors noted that SEND pupils at Unity City Academy are developing their knowledge and skills effectively.

7 - Staff are positive about their career in school and feel supported to develop professionally.