Health & Performance

Health and Performance.mp4

The Health and Performance Department is built up of PE, Performing Arts and Health and social care.The Department offers  a wide variety of courses aimed at showing students how best to understand physical activity, health, wellbeing and nutrition. The Department also has access to dedicated facilities that include: a large sports hall, small gym,  gym, dance studio, drama studio and 3 classrooms with ICT access.

Our team consists of ten full time fully qualified ( seven PE,one dance, two in Performing Arts and one Health and Social Care teacher) and two apprentices.

The aims of the department are;

Health and Wellbeing Commitment

Health in summary

The health of people in Middlesbrough is generally worse than the England average. Middlesbrough is one of the 20% most deprived districts/unitary authorities in England and about 33% (9,600) of children live in low income families. Life expectancy for both men and women is lower than the England average.

Health Inequalities

Life expectancy is 11.7 years lower for men and 12.0 years lower for women in the most deprived areas of Middlesbrough than in the least deprived areas. Child health In Year 6, 21.3% (361) of children are classified as obese, worse than the average for England.

The rate of alcohol specific hospital stays among those under 18 was 64.1%, worse than the average for England. This represents 20 stays per year. Levels of teenage pregnancy, GCSE attainment, breastfeeding initiation and smoking at time of delivery are worse than the England average.

Adult health

The rate of alcohol-related harm hospital stays is 930*, worse than the average for England. This represents 1,193 stays per year. The rate of self-harm hospital stays is 335.0*, worse than the average for England. This represents 482 stays per year. The rate of smoking related deaths is 411*, worse than the average for England. This represents 280 deaths per year. Estimated levels of adult excess weight, smoking and physical activity are worse than the England average.

The rate of hip fractures is worse than average. Rates of sexually transmitted infections and people killed and seriously injured on roads are better than average. Local priorities in Middlesbrough include improving health outcomes for children, tackling lifestyle risk factors, tackling the social causes of poor health, and improving emotional wellbeing and mental health. Something which we are driven to support at Unity City Academy.

For more information see or

Our Commitment

All students at Key Stage 3 will be given the opportunity to participate in a minimum of 2 hours of Physical Education per week. In addition to this we will promote health and performance through subjects such as dance and drama and music.

At Key Stage 4 students are given the opportunity to participate for a minimum of 1 hour each week. In addition to this students are also given the opportunity to partake in more health and performance related subjects such as Dance, Drama, Performing Arts and Health and Social Care.

At Unity City Academy we don’t just look at the health and wellbeing of our own students but like to offer support to our wider community. Many of which are run by our own students using their knowledge gained from BTEC Sport, as well as developing their knowledge and confidence in areas such as planning and officiating.

Our Academy plays a key role in PE, Sport and Health & Wellbeing across Middlesbrough and the wider area of the Tees Valley. Our staff members are Chair and Secretary of the Teesside Schools Sports Association, this group leads and supports Schools/Academy’s District and County teams and sports and PE activities across the Tees Valley area. Within Middlesbrough our staff also hold key roles (Chair, Vice Chair and administrator, of the Middlesbrough Schools Sport Association), in the running and development of PE and sporting activities across all secondary Schools and Academies.

Staff and students (Leaders) from our Academy work in partnership with primaries across Middlesbrough in supporting the running of primary sporting and PE events at many different venues across town, as well working and supporting within the Primaries, our Academy also host major primary events on site including Cross County with over 1500 children and staff involved each year, other major events stage at our Academy include Basketball, Music/Dance, Tri Golf, Tag Rugby and Football.  

We also have key staff in leading and supporting roles working alongside organisations such as, School Games, Tees Valley Sports, Youth Sports Trust, Basketball England, Swim England, Youth Focus and All Children Matter, supporting and helping the development of our students and children and families from across our area, offering them remarkable opportunities.

We are committed to ensuring our exclusive Apprentice Programme continues at Level 3 also. We are one of a minority of schools nationally that offers an opportunity to 2 Health and Performance Apprentices on a rolling 2 year basis as part of their Level 3 studies. This programme gives Apprentices the opportunity to support and lead within the department before leaving after 2 years to study at University or to go into the world of employment.

We like to use the term ‘Grow Our Own’ here as the majority of Apprentices in the past have been from our Key Stage 4 cohort, some of which are now back with us in teaching and support roles within the Academy.

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