Leadership Team
Leadership Team
Executive Principal: Mrs Gemma Simon - Overall Strategic Overview and Leadership & Management.
Senior Vice Principal (Quality of Education): Mrs Jill Gray - Teaching & Learning. Line Management of English and Maths.
Vice Principal (Pastoral Care): Mrs Joanne Brack - Personal Development, Behaviour, Welfare, Attendance.
Assistant Principal: Ms Steph Bannon - Raising Standards Leader, Outcomes and Examinations. Line Management of Science.
Assistant Principal: Mr Stephen Daley - Curriculum, Quality Assurance and Timetable. Line Management of Art & Technology, Health & Performance and ICT/Business.
Assistant Principal: Mrs Julie Mitchell - SENDCo. Line Management of The Base.
Assistant Principal: Mrs Laura Oliver - Attendance and Punctuality, ECTs & ITTs.
School Operational Manager: Miss Leanne Stockton - Daily operations, H&S, Trips & Visits, GDPR.
Assistant Principal: Mrs Jemma Wascoe - DSL/Safeguarding and Behaviour.
Extended Leadership
Associate Assistant Principal: Mrs Lyndsay Fearn - KS3 Raising Standards/490 champion and Teaching and Learning. Line Management of MFL.
Associate Assistant Principal: Miss Amy Rudd - Literacy, Teaching and Learning, CPD. Line Management of History, Geography and RE.
Associate Assistant Principal; Miss Bev Whitfield - Careers and Personal Development inc CEIAG.