
"It is our duty to inspire young people to see the true beauty of mathematics in the wider world by bringing mathematics alive, thereby making it exciting, relevant and easy” 

At Unity City Academy, our Mathematics curriculum is underpinned by our core principles:

As a consequence, a UCA Mathematics Pupil will develop the following characteristics: 


The curriculum is broken down into 5 years of study, as follows:


Year 7 and 8

Our programme of study in these years focuses on developing the pupils’ skills as a mathematician. Our units are broken down into 15 key mathematical strands and behaviours, with each including at least 2 mathematical topics.


Year 9

The curriculum provides 3 pathways, selected based on pupils’ needs at the end of Year 8 to provide appropriate support and challenge:


Year 10

3 pathways, reviewed from the end of year 9

Year 11

In Year 11, we use our professional judgement and mock analysis to build a bespoke and personalised curriculum for each class to ensure they are adequately prepared for their GCSE exams. "

Extracurricular Activities

To further problem solving skills and logical ability, additional enrichment opportunities are available within the Maths department for students to take part in.  These include official darts, chess and online games.

Outside of lessons, students can develop their learning through access to our online personalised intervention programme, Century Maths.

This year, we are excited to be hosting a maths picnic tournament alongside schools in the area and hope to enter students into the UK Maths Challenge.

As students consider their options into further education, students are able to attend a maths lecture at a local university.

Want to see what your child is studying? Click in each box for more information: