PE and Sports Premium

Impact of Funding

Our main focus  has been to increase the number of pupils participating in extra-curricular activities both during lunch times and after school. We now offer a wide range of afterschool clubs across the week for pupils in KS1 and KS2. We offer a wide range of sporting clubs across the year to appeal to as many children as possible. A mixture of boys and girls attend these netball sessions and we are now entering the team into a tournament. We also offer Dodgeball and Football clubs to pupil’s one night after-school every week. Dance and martial arts has also become a very popular lunchtime option for both boys and girls and this again is reaching full capacity. As well as after-school clubs, we provide sport sessions for a different year group each day during lunchtimes. With the funding, we have also been able to roll out our sports leader roles where our current Year 6s and Sports ambassadors are put in charge of organising their own activities for the younger pupils in the school. 


 Following a Year 6 survey – 97% of pupils said the activities available during lunchtimes were much better than previous years and this had had an impact on the behaviour around the playground. The structure of the sessions (1 year group a day) enabled them to enjoy the sessions more with a smaller amount of people instead of a mass number trying to play that specific sport.

Updated November 2023