
At Anglesey Primary Academy we aim to provide an exciting and engaging curriculum which will inspire children and nurture a passion for learning. We firmly believe the driving force behind the delivery of an interesting, creative curriculum is our 'ROAR' values and a clear focus on teaching and learning which engages children in a range of challenging and meaningful learning experiences.

Anglesey Behaviour Poster.pdf

During the children's learning journey, we try to integrate as many real-life experiences as possible that are related to the area they are studying. We utilise the Ark Curriculum model and endeavour to provide opportunities for pupils to apply their mathematical, computing and English skills across the curriculum, which enables our pupils to become, confident, effective communicators.  British Values are taught throughout the curriculum including PSHE and assemblies.  We strive towards our pupils leaving us resilient, open-minded, aspirational and respectful individuals.

We believe learning should be exciting and meaningful for children. We also utilise wider curriculum opportunities to give children the chance to apply previously learnt skills at greater depth. 

The Primary National Curriculum aims to:

 We set high expectations for every pupil. We aim to deepen the knowledge and understanding of the most able pupils by planning suitable learning challenges for them but also plan carefully for the needs of pupils who experience difficulty in learning. This ensures that all pupils receive a level of challenge appropriate for them to thrive. For pupils who have special educational need or disabilities, lessons are planned to ensure that there are no barriers to pupil achievement and progress. The SEND Code of Practice includes advice on approaches to identification of need which can support us with this. 

We aim for every child to enjoy learning and gain knowledge, skills and attributes which will enable them to lead happy, fulfilling and successful lives in the future. We live in an ever changing world and it is our aim to ensure that our pupils are ready to face these challenges and succeed in whatever they do. We take every opportunity to enrich the curriculum with outside providers, trips and visits, whole school themed days and extra–curricular opportunities.

For further information on our curriculum please click on the tabs below and for information regarding the Primary National Curriculum, visit

Updated September 2023