
Behaviour Policy

Behaviour is good at Anglesey because we work hard to ensure that everyone understands what is expected.  We encourage children to make the right choices and we talk calmly to the children about the consequences of their choices.  We have a clear behaviour system which  all staff implement.  We focus on rewards and praise .

Children look forward to our regular 'Remarkable Lives' assemblies, where they are chosen by staff  for the positive contributions they have made during the week in relation to our four key values. 

We work closely with parents to encourage a positive partnership when promoting and maintaining good behaviour.  Our Behaviour Policy was written in consultation with pupils, staff and our Parent Community Advisory Board. It is based on rights, responsibilities and respect.  In the policy, we recognise that praise, rewards, privileges, and positive role-modelling support the development of self-discipline and the capacity to make positive choices. 

Anglesey Behaviour Poster.pdf

Behaviour Documents

AET Behaviour Policy Sept 2023
Copy of Anglesey Behaviour Policy Local Academy Arrangements 2023/24
Behaviour Procedure Local Academy Arrangements 2023/24

Updated November 2023