Home Learning

Reading at Home

We utilise a range of books from different publishers for our Home Reading Books.  

All books in EYFS  Reception and KS1 (Year 1 and 2) are organised by Phonic Phases so that children are reading books that match their phonic ability.  Although books will also have a colour band, children will bring home books to read that match their current phonic phase of learning. Your child should be able to use their phonic knowledge to decode the words and read the books they bring home. If you have any concerns, please speak to your child's class teacher. Children will also have the opportunity to bring home a library book, from our school or classroom library, for pleasure - this is a book that the children individually select and may not be matched to their current phonic phase. Please enjoy time with your child reading their library book to them. 

All children are expected to bring their reading diaries into school daily. 

Children can earn badges through our Rocket Readers scheme. They will be awarded a different coloured badge every twenty-five times they read with a family member at home. If children read every day throughout the academic year, they can become exclusive members of the Reading Star Club and receive a reward for reading 300 times during the year! If children read every day for the whole year they will have 322 reads. 

You can also enjoy a range of different books, magazines and texts together. To access a range of free eBooks, please click on the link to Oxford Owl link.

Reading Diaries 

We use reading diaries as a way of recording, acknowledging and celebrating children reading at home.  Here is an example of how a parent might complete a home reading diary for children in Reception and KS1. Please complete your child's reading diary every time you listen to them read. In Reception and KS1, encourage them  to use their phonic knowledge (the sounds the letters make) to help them read the words. 

In KS2, encourage your child to use different voices and expression when the characters speak. Ask them questions about what they read, such as, 

Maths Home Learning

Every week, children are set maths home learning activities to complete on Eedi. Please click here to login - children have a username and password. Please refer to the Eedi presentation opposite for more information. 

In order to further develop children’s effective recall and retention of times tables facts, we use Times Table Rock Stars (TT Rockstars) to provide pupils with an engaging platform in which to develop their times tables skills. Each year focuses on different times tables that are appropriate for that age:

Please encourage your child to login to the TT Rockstars website  and join in with the fun times tables challenges. 

In addition to home learning set by your child's class teacher, these sites may also be useful to use at home with your child. Just click on the links below for a range of maths activities, games and ideas your child can access online:

BBC Bitesize for KS1

BBC Bitesize for KS2

Maths is Fun

Primary Games Arena

Nrich Maths Games and Activities

Updated November 2023