Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent at Anglesey

Excellence as Standard

At Anglesey we strive for excellence as standard. We provide our children with a progressive, knowledge rich curriculum and the skills that prepare them for their next stage of education and beyond.  Our curriculum is language rich, with the development of vocabulary and oracy embedded throughout.  Through our values and consistent research led practices, we aim to deliver excellent teaching and learning for all our learners.

We build resilience to be unusually brave

Leaders at all levels will plan and assess carefully and accurately to ensure gaps in knowledge are filled and rapid progress is made throughout

 Planning and assessment will address the needs of children immediately, teachers will not wait for  the next unit, next term or next year

Teachers will develop children’s metacognition to drive their own learning and believe anything is possible even when it may be challenging or go wrong initially (values, explicit instruction, scaffolding, chunking and summarising,  self and peer assessment, feedback)

Staff will always strive to ensure all their children reach their full potential regardless of any barriers (strong AFL in all lessons, all teachers are teachers of SEND, all leaders are leaders of SEND).

We will learn from mistakes by taking risks

Through effective feedback we will celebrate success but encourage perseverance

We reflect upon our mistakes to help us achieve

Through our curriculum we will plan activities to ensure our children engage with challenges that specifically test and develop their resilience.

We are open minded to enable us to discover what’s possible

All stakeholders clearly understand their role and take responsibility for it

 Practice is embedded to sustain outstanding practice regardless of any changes that take place

 Children feel confident and have the knowledge and skills to run activities and make democratic decisions

 Teachers will understand the needs of all the children in the class. They will use data of individuals and groups to plan effective learning opportunities with a no excuse culture

  Staff will manage their time effectively to meet the needs of the children

 Planning and strategies will be adapted as needed for the individual classes and groups of learners

 Children will be enabled to lead their own learning, through accurate learning objectives, success criteria, high level questioning and effective AfL and carefully planned evaluation.

 We will use our marking and feedback policy to build independent learners

 We will make the learning intentions (objectives) clear and be explicit about the learning taking place which the children understand and use it to support their learning journey

 We will make links in learning to encourage greater knowledge and develop independent learning.

We will provide specific reflection and evaluation time.

  Children will know their next steps in learning and what to do to improve.

We will ensure learning follows a clear structure; we give children time to review previous learning, we introduce new materials in small steps, we ask quality questions, we check children’s understanding, we provide scaffolds to support challenging tasks, we give opportunities for independent practice. We will provide specific reflection and evaluation time.

We are aspirational so we can discover push our limits  

Dream! Picture what success means

Our curriculum will explore the idea of ‘opportunity’ and give the children extensive insight into their possibilities

All stakeholders will ensure everyone has high expectations in all the things we do and support and hold each other to account

All teachers will set high expectations and challenges for all their children.  Gender, ethnicity, pupil premium, EAL and SEN will not be an excuse - just a group title we use to ensure our teaching meets every child's need

Teachers will fully understand their accountability to ensure all children make accelerated progress in their class (Regular pupil progress meetings, moderation, collaboration with others and professional growth cycles)

We will ensure life-long learning skills are at the heart of our lessons

Children will not be ability labelled within their class, each skill will be developed and assessed lesson by lesson to ensure every moment is a learning opportunity for all children

We will instil a love of learning in our children through our values being at the heart of all we do (Values visible throughout the school and referred to throughout all we do).

Our children will gain knowledge and skills that enable them to compete with peers nationally.

Support the AIP to provide outstanding provision for our children.

We are respectful to be big hearted    

 We will prioritise mental wellbeing to develop strong interpersonal skills, to increase our children’s chances of becoming successful

 We will be mindful of the way we talk and use our body language to everyone and build strong relationships

We will ensure everyone feels like they belong

We will give our children meaningful and coherent experiences

We will modify our practice to meet the needs of individuals while also ensuring we develop the skills and knowledge that those children may be struggling with

We will use  a ‘Model, Manageable and Meaningful’ approach to develop wellbeing

Our children will be educated in what eating healthy means

We will ensure that a wide range of physical and outdoor education is available for all our children

Our children will have a full understanding of what staying safe means, whether this be physically, mentally or online

We will skill our children to be able to make educated choices.

We will all take responsibility for engaging our community and enrich the lives of the families we work with (Building strong relationships, invitations to the classroom, events in school, clear communication through social media and letters).

  Our school community will demonstrate respect for each other at all times

  We will promote strong British Values and celebrate everyone's differences (Strong and consistent PSHE, ROAR days and assemblies)

We will all be strong, self-assured individuals that take responsibility for our actions and ensure we strive to be our best at all times

Give children opportunities to support  and understand others in the wider community

We will respect our environment and provide the most engaging, stimulating environment we possibly can, both in and out of the classroom

We will be proud of ourselves and each other and share and celebrate our success

All staff will respect and fully engage in the schools drive to give our children excellence as standard and  they will commit to understand and support the AIP to achieve this in a short period of time

We will celebrate and support differences. Equal opportunities and inclusion is at our core and is about giving all pupils equal chance to access learning – not about treating everyone the same.

Updated October 2023