Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs

Anglesey is an inclusive academy where all pupils are encouraged to reach their full potential and to participate fully in the life of the school. The school admits pupils with a wide range of educational, medical, sensory, social, emotional and behavioural needs and, in partnership with parents and external specialist services, staff work together to provide a learning environment and experiences with are effective in meeting the individual needs.

In addition to more generalised knowledge, some staff have developed expertise in particular areas of SEND, including Autistic Spectrum Conditions, Social,  Emotional and Mental health support as well as Dyslexia and Dyscalculia.  Pupils and parents are actively encouraged to help make decisions about the pupil's academic, social or behavioural targets to promote their independence, confidence and self esteem.

The school offers a nurture facility, where pupils experiencing difficulties in the areas of social, emotional and behavioural development may benefit from working for one or more sessions a week in a small, co- operative group environment, developing social skills whilst accessing the National Curriculum.

We continuously review access and mobility arrangements to promote the integration of pupils with physical disabilities. Ramps provide wheel chair access to the ground floor of the school building and a lift offers wheelchair access to the Lower Hall and first floor. Disabled toilets are also located on both floors and we have a fully adjustable changing table in one of them. Liaison with external agencies ensures that further specialist equipment and learning resources are provided as required.

APA SEND Information Report 2022/23.docx

The Staffordshire Local Offer and further information about SEND support can be found by clicking on this link: Staffordshire Local Offer

Updated October 2023