Illness & Medicines

Illness and Medicines in School

We have a number of qualified first aiders in the academy, who deal with any issues that occur. If your child has an accident whilst they are at school, they will receive a completed accident slip outlining the details of the incident and the member of staff that dealt with it.

We always contact parents immediately if there is a serious concern or accident. Our staff will also contact you if your child is unwell in school. 

Please keep your child at home for at least 48 hours after an attack of vomiting or diarrhoea to avoid spreading the illness. 

If your child suffers from a long term medical condition, you must complete a a care plan, in conjunction with the school nurse team or other medical professionals if appropriate. Please inform the office staff of any medication that your child is taking so that we can complete the necessary paperwork. 

If your child has asthma, you must complete an asthma card and provide an inhaler for your child to keep in school.

Please see the advice sheets below for further guidance on illness and attending school. 

2023 ANG - Supporting pupils with medical conditions
Medications in school check list.pdf

Updated November 2023