Your Future Begins With Career Education

Connecting Career Education with 21st Century Skills

Today’s graduates must be able to adapt to ongoing change in many aspects of their lives. 

Purposeful career-life development, in which students learn how to set personally meaningful goals, recognize and cultivate relevant opportunities and supportive relationships, and continually re-evaluate and revise their plans, is a necessity for educated citizens in an ever-changing world. 

Educated citizens are lifelong learners who continually build on their self-awareness about evolving interests and strengths. They are able to use this personal knowledge to inform their career-life choices, responding with flexibility as opportunities and challenges arise.

 The Career Education curriculum will be delivered over a 4-year time frame with each year based on specific themes. These themes incorporate the revised B.C. curriculum (2018) as well as the 21st Century skills and knowledge students will need in the future.

Grade 8 - Who Am I?

Grade 9 - Who Do I Want To Be?

Grade 10 - How Will I Get There?

Grade 11 - I Am On My Way...

 In Grade 12, as part of Career Life Connections, students will participate in their final Capstone project where they will present their individual learning journey experienced throughout the Career Education program.


"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." 

- Dale Carnegie

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