Grade 11

Term 4: Module 1 

Let's Start Thinking About Your Capstone Project

In this module you will learn what a capstone project is, and begin to think about your own interests and how this will guide you towards narrowing your project area. 

What is a Capstone Project?

A capstone project, also known as a culminating project or experience, or senior exhibition, amongst other terms, is a project that will allow you to demonstrate your learning using an area(s) of interest as the basis for the project. Ideally, this would be in an area you are passionate about and anticipate you may pursue after graduation.

Watch the following video to get a better idea of what a capstone project is.

Through your capstone project, you will show your initiative, innovation, cross-curricular knowledge and critical thinking skills, as they relate to your core competency growth and post-graduation plan. 

You will be exploring an area of curiosity or interest through delving deeper into your past learning and future goals.

Why a Capstone Project?

It is a celebration of your learning, experience, and goals for post-graduation. It is designed for you to think critically, solve challenging problems and develop and reflect on your skill sets and core competencies. 

Think of your capstone as your venue to connect with the world outside of school and demonstrate that you have the skills required to start your post-secondary education, enter the work force with work-ready skills or develop your understanding of the world through travelling.

The capstone project is a requirement for 

Career-Life Connections and for graduation.

What's In a Capstone Project?





Your project is focused on ONE of the following categories:

Here is one Example

You Will Need a Mentor

What is a mentor?

A mentor is an adult that you trust, a person that can provide support and guidance as you are going through the process of completing your Capstone Project. 

Once you find a mentor, you need to meet at least 3 times to discuss your Capstone progress. These meetings must be documented and signed on the Mentor Log sheet.

30+ Hours of Work Related Experience

Career-life Exploration

Students are required to complete 30 hours or more of career-life exploration. This may include:

Part of the exploration will require you to "engage in, reflect on, and evaluate career-life exploration."

Experiential learning opportunities are student-selected

You must complete these by 

September 30, 2024


Narrowing down your capstone theme

For this assignment you will watch the posted videos and review the various themes of the capstone project. Upon completion, work through the capstone proposal document.  This assignment is to get you thinking of your interests and possible ideas. Just because you write it down does not mean that you are committed to these ideas.

In grade 12 you will work on a final proposal that narrows your project to one idea. You may always work on this throughout the summer.

Capstone Proposal - Grade 11


Submit your completed assignment in your Advisory block Google Classroom.

Due: May 6