Module 5

You And Your Strengths

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is just the first step on your way to discovering your future career path. Working through the following exercises, you will develop a better sense of what you are already good at, as well as areas that require more attention. Let's begin...


You and Your Strengths

Part 1

Use the following document to begin taking inventory of your likes, strengths, and weaknesses. 

You may use the document itself, or create your own charts in a separate google document, slides, or spreadsheet and upload your work to your website.

Part 2

Now that you have finished this list, write an autobiography of yourself (about 200 words), highlighting your greatest strengths, weaknesses and interests and what your life is like now.

How to Write an Autobiography


Submit your completed assignment in your Flex Block Google Classroom.

                                                    Due: April 15th