Gr. 12: Term 3: Module 1

As you are nearing the conclusion of your high school journey, you are also coming closer to your Capstone presentation date. Throughout this time, you will engage in lessons that will help you to develop and present a Capstone project that showcases your passion, ability, interests, and growth. Your Capstone project is something that must be developed over time, reflected on, and modified, until it is a true representation of you.

Developing an Essential Question

You decided on a theme and have been narrowing down your idea. Now it is time to develop your essential question. Your project theme is broken down into two components:

You've selected a theme that is of interest to you, now you will create a general statement of focus within your theme. Listed here are various examples of statements, as they are related to the Capstone themes. 

The statement should be broad, not personal, and have an overarching idea that would allow someone to narrow in on a variety of topics.

The last slides give direction to writing your own statements. 

Capstone - Developing an essential question


Your assignment for this week is to write your learning focus and learning topic for your personal capstone project. You may choose to use the document provided here, or submit your statements in another form.

2023 Captone project - essential question


Submit your completed assignment in your Advisory Google Classroom.

Due: Thursday, FEBRUARY 22