Module 2 

Career-life Exploration 30 hour Requirement (First introduced March 2023)

Due date for 30+ Hours is SEPTEMBER 30, 2023

Volunteer Confirmation Form .pdf

30+ Hours of Work Experience

Due date

SEPT. 30, 2023

Please use the tracking sheet to keep a running record of your hours. The Volunteer Confirmation form can be used for unpaid volunteer experiences.  Please see assignment below for instructions for submitting this evidence. 

Career Life Connections Work-Related Experience Tracking Sheet

In this module, you will learn more about the  Career-life exploration 30 Hour requirement

(Paid Work Experience or Volunteer)

Experiential learning is a process of engaging in and reflecting on direct experiences beyond the classroom settings.  Career-life exploration refers to substantive experiential learning (30 hours or more) that is intended to expand and/or deepen student exposure to career-life possibilities.  Through this CLC learning standard expectations, students can further refine their career-life goals and transferable skills.  Based on student needs and interests, career-life exploration can include service learning, volunteerism, employment, fieldwork, or projects focused on an area of deep interest. 

Career-life Exploration 30 hour Requirement

For Grads of 2024, students must provide evidence that they have completed at least 30 hours by September 30, 2023 in any of the following ways:

IMPORTANT NOTE: any hours that you have completed after completing Grade 10 can be used to fulfill this requirement.

Why this component is required? 

The career-life exploration component:

Examples of Career-life explorations

Below are examples of career-life exploration possibilities.  Examples only. Possibilities are not limited to these:

Grade 11 Assignment - for your review

In this assignment (please make a copy of the assignment to the right). you will start the planning for your 30+ hours of work experience. 

a) Describe what fields of work/volunteering you are interested in.

b) Describe what you hope to gain from this exploration.

c) Describe what you hope to contribute through having this opportunity.

IMPORTANT NOTE: any paid work/volunteer hours that you have completed after completing Grade 10 can be used to fulfill this requirement.

Due March 30, 2023

Career-life Exploration Reflection #1


In this assignment (please make a copy of the assignment to the right), you will COMPLETE the documentation for your REQUIRED 30+ hours of work experience. 

a) Describe what you gained from this exploration

b) Submit a link to your UPDATED Resume and Cover Letter including this “Career Exploration”

c) A ‘Thank you’ letter you wrote to your employer.

IMPORTANT NOTE: any paid work/volunteer hours that you have completed after completing Grade 10 can be used to fulfill this requirement.

CLC Gr. 12 FINAL Work Experience Reflection #2

NEW Grade 12 Assignment - Upload evidence of completion of your 30+ hours

Complete this google form by Thursday, October 10.  All information will be sent to Mrs. Sussex


Submit your completed assignment in your Advisory block Google Classroom.

Due: Tuesday, October 10, 2023