Module 2 

The Impact of Businesses in the Community

In this module, you will start to think about the businesses in your community in terms of entrepreneurship and needs in the community. By researching the number of employees with various companies, how each business contributes to the community, and the factors that could impact each of the businesses, you will have a better understanding of entrepreneurial thinking and economic flexibility. 

Think about the community where you live. Your community has a lot of unique characteristics which make it a good place to live and work. Without employers in your community, your community is not a desirable place to live - people wouldn't have the money to spend on housing, groceries, clothing or extra-curricular activities such as sports or theatre tickets! Perhaps even more important, with the loss of jobs, and people leaving the community, there is less money put into property taxes for that city. Without the same amount of property taxes, the city is unable to allocate the same amount of money to infrastructure, schools, or roads. It makes a bad situation even worse for those residents who stay in the community! 

When businesses leave communities, what is left behind are ghost towns

Scroll through the following links to learn more about the reasons behind ghost towns in British Columbia. There is a common thread behind all ghost towns!

Ghost Towns Forgotten by Time

BC town braces for mill shutdown

A Story of Ups and Downs

Have you ever visited any of these towns? Have you ever visited any town drastically impacted by employment? 

Just think of all the ways that business impacts our community, such as community identity and involvement, increase in the tax base and jobs, innovation and entrepreneurship. 

In this module, you will research some businesses in your local community, and what could happen in the local and global economy to impact these businesses.


Searching "Largest (or major) employers in (your community)", you should be able to find a list of the businesses that employ large numbers of people where you live.

You will find out what they do, how many employees they have, and how they contribute or give back to the community. Lastly, you will think of changes that could happen in our local and global economies that could impact that business. 

Businesses in your community


Submit your completed assignment in your Flex Block Google                                               Classroom.

                                          Due: February 26th