Term 4:

June Core Competencies Reflection 

Reflecting on Growth of Your Core Competencies

For your final module in Career Education, you will reflect on growth of your core competencies since September. This document will be shared with your parents as part of your June report card.

Remember: our core competencies are broken down into three areas:

The Three Categories of our Competencies

Communication competency encompasses the set of abilities that you use to impart and exchange information, experiences, and ideas, to explore the world around you, and to understand effectively engage in the use of digital media. Communication competency provides a bridge between your learning, your personal and social identity and relationships, and the world in which you interact.

Creative thinking involves the generation of new ideas and concepts that have value to the individual or others, and the development of these ideas and concepts from thought to reality.

Critical thinking involves making judgments based on reasoning: students consider options; analyze these using specific criteria; and draw conclusions and make judgments. Critical thinking competency encompasses a set of abilities that students use to examine their own thinking, and that of others, about information that they receive through observation, experience, and various forms of communication.

A positive personal and cultural identity is the awareness, understanding, and appreciation of all the facets that contribute to a healthy sense of oneself. It includes awareness and understanding of one's family background, heritage(s), language(s), beliefs, and perspectives in a pluralistic society. 

Students who have a positive personal and cultural identity value their personal and cultural narratives, and understand how these shape their identity. Supported by a sense of self worth, self-awareness, and positive identity, students become confident individuals who take satisfaction in who they are, and what they can do to contribute to their own well-being and to the well-being of their family, community, and society.

Social responsibility involves the ability and disposition to consider the interdependence of people with each other and the natural environment; to contribute positively to one's family, community, society, and the environment; to resolve problems peacefully; to empathize with others and appreciate their perspectives; and to create and maintain healthy relationships.

How do I reflect on my core competencies?

Sometimes reflecting can be challenging if we are expected to come up with everything on our own. For your core competency reflection, consider the following questions for each of the strands.

Reflecting on the Core Competencies


Complete the steps on pg 5-8   of this document

Make a copy of this document and use this module to help you complete it. You can provide examples from all of the strands or just a few. 

23-24 June Core Competencies Reflection & Goal Setting

Step 2 - Save as a PDF

SUBMIT as a PDF to Google Classroom 

Step 3 - 

Submit your PDF to your career education google classroom page & upload your google document to your career education website!

Your report card will tell your parents/guardians about your website and specifically mention your goal setting and core competency reflections. This is an excellent opportunity to share your work with your family! Your PDF reflection will be part of your report card.

Submit your completed assignment in your Advisory Google Classroom.

Due: Tuesday, June 4th

UPLOAD to your Career Ed Website

Upload your completed work under "2024 June Core Competency Reflection" in your grade level page.

Due: Tuesday, June 4 @ 2:30 pm