Module 4 

Career-life Exploration

As you get closer to your final year of high school, there are many challenges and opportunities that await you. One of those opportunities is applying for post-secondary school and scholarships. The challenge is how will you present the best version of yourself that will make you stand out among all of the applications?

That is where you must think beyond your employment resume and consider other ways of showcasing your many talents, skills, and attributes. In this module you will learn the difference between an employment resume and a biographical resume. In addition, you will also be preparing a biographical resume and paragraph.

The goal in starting this process early in Grade 11, is for you to identify opportunities and experiences both in and out of school and recognize the importance of experiential learning, guidance from mentors, and community involvement.  

The CLC curriculum requires students to complete 30+ hours of paid or unpaid work-experience as well as a Capstone research project presented in Grade 12. You are encouraged to have this work experience by the end of your Gr. 11 year, if possible. 

Bio or Employment Resume - What's the Difference?

Biographical vs Employment Resumes


Step 1: Create Your Bio-Resume

A biographical resume is similar to a work experience resume, but it is not tailored to a specific job, therefore it will be broader in scope and slightly longer than a work resume. You should still aim for a two page resume, but a three page will be acceptable for a biographical resume.

Always save and email/upload your resume as a PDF to prevent formatting errors.  There is no one perfect template, so please look at the Bio Resume Example here. It was made using one of five templates available in google docs.   You should also do some research and consider some of the free templates at Novoresume. You may register with your google account and are not required to purchase anything.

Novaresume Link -

Resume Formatting Tips -

Step 2: Biographical Paragraph

In this part of the assignment, you will take the most important elements of your bio-resume and create a 1-2 paragraph summary of your achievements, skills, and personality.

The key is that it is short but informative!

Need help? Try the following websites:


   Submit to your advisory google classroom


Wednesday, November 6