Module 1

Relationship Building, Contacts & References

In this module, you will start to consider the importance of building a personal network to assist you in your career-life decisions. 

Networking is a word that is used a lot nowadays: networking this, networking that. It’s almost used so much that the meaning is lost. The gist seems to be: it is something you should be doing and doing a lot. 

Networking is actually pretty simple, and yes, we agree that you should be doing it! So read on to find out what it is, why it's important, and how you can start networking now. 

From a young age, school has taught us that our academic success will be essential to getting jobs in the future. However, school often fails to teach us that many other factors, the most important being networking, can make or break our careers. If you, like most high schoolers, are still scratching your head, wondering why networking is so important, here are a few things to keep in mind.  

What is "networking"

Life is random

You never know when a friend or acquaintance will be able to give you a fantastic work opportunity. Steve Balmer was Bill Gates' college roommate and is now worth more than $71 billion after joining Gates during Microsoft's early days. Had he not maintained his relationship with Gates after college, he may not have seen the same success. One of your friends or professional contacts may very well be the next Gates and want to have you on their team.  

Knowing people makes you valuable!

Networking with people you know, or can get to know, is an effective way to share information and get advice about employment.  Networking is about building relationships and the strongest networks are built on friendships. This is why developing relationships at work can be beneficial in creating specific work networks.

Networking helps you learn

To be successful in any career, you must be a lifelong learner. Forming and maintaining relationships with people in different fields will introduce you to new ideas that may improve your work or inspire you to create new initiatives. Never underestimate the power of a quick conversation to help get the wheels turning for a new project.  

Networking for Students

Involvement in your community introduces you to a network of people with diverse backgrounds who have experience and knowledge about you. They may also know what you are capable of and what your strengths and various talents may be.

How do people get jobs? Did you know that networking plays an important role?

Watch this TedX video "The 3 bones of networking for student success" and complete the TedX reflection page attached here. You must make a copy of it first; then insert text boxes for your answers.

[Template] TED Talk worksheet

Building your "social capital."

Your social capital is basically your social network. And no, I don’t mean your Snapchat or Instagram handle or the movie. It is the people you know, the relationships you form, and the actions you do with and for each other. 

Why is it important?

In today’s world, business and otherwise, networking has become extremely important. It might even be essential. Professional networks can lead to more business opportunities and might even further professional statuses. Networking often includes forming relationships with other people in your field or doing similar things as you. This means that you might even find out about job opportunities through your networking contacts. 

How does networking work?

You are always networking – whether you know it or not! You probably have contacts through your family, your friends, and your classmates. Even staff, lecturers and alumni are important sources of contact. 

Obviously, you are still students and are not even close to having any foot forward in your chosen career. Many of you are not even close to being fully able to cook yourselves dinner. How do we expect you to network when you don’t know what you want to do with your life? 

While this is true, the idea and concept of networking are what are important here. 


Step 1

Complete the TedX worksheet while watching the video posted earlier.

Step 2

Use the document posted here to begin to develop your personal network list.

My Network: Contacts and References


Submit your completed assignment in your Advisory block Google Classroom.

Due: Monday, November 20