Gr 12

Term 3 Module 3

Preparing for your Capstone Presentation

You have spent the last year planning and preparing for your final capstone project and now it is time to focus on the presentation. Even if you are not finished yet, you should be thinking about how you would like to share your work and learning. 

In this module, you will work on your presentation, focusing on the key elements that need to be included, while still developing a presentation that truly reflects you!

The Capstone Presentation

A capstone presentation is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge of a topic of interest, showcasing their learning and growth over the course of the project as well as their time in school. The culminating presentation, typically based on research of some sort, is often given before a school committee, community members, and/or a classroom of peers. 

A student's capstone presentation should demonstrate their ability to synthesize and apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their academic career to real-world issues. With proper preparation, you will not only earn high marks, but you'll gain invaluable knowledge and skills in doing so. 

Tips Before You Begin

Your capstone presentation requires detailed planning to ensure that you include the required content, address your learning, while staying on topic and within the allotted time. That means, you will need to plan ahead and practice, revise, practice, and revise again until you get it just right!

Consider the following points when developing your presentation:

Narrow the Focus

Build on Learning Outcomes

Incorporate Visuals

Prepare & Practice


The following slides can be used as a guide to assist you in preparing for your presentation. Pay special attention to the "must-haves" as these are key areas of assessment.

An Effective Capstone Presentation

Planning your Capstone Presentation 


Use the following assignment to help ensure that you are on track for completing your final project.

As you work through the assignment, you may find that you don't have an answer for everything yet, but that's okay. This week's work is to ensure you are on the right track and including the important elements for a successful presentation. 


This assignment will require you to begin developing a framework for your presentation. This is a working document which means that you should start brainstorming ideas for each section and use the next weeks to formalize your plan.

Planning Your Capstone Representation


Submit your completed assignment in your Advisory block Google Classroom.

Due: Monday, April 8