Primary Years

A range of ideas and suggestions of activities to help parents and carers support learning at home during COVID 19. The activities are aimed at a variety of ages. The year groups next to the activities are a general guide only. 

Numeracy & Maths

Numeracy & maths is all about being able to understand and use numbers in lots of places at home, for example you use them when cooking, telling time, handling money, shopping or estimating how many items you need. It helps us to solve problems or make decisions in everyday situations. 

Reading & Storytelling

Reading with your child, no matter what the child's age, is important in building a lifelong love of reading and learning. Reading opens lots of opportunities to travel in young minds. It builds strong bonds with your child, and helps your child develop their listening and talking skills too. 

Children are so creative although sometimes putting a pencil to paper is a little bit more challenging. Why not motivate them and make it fun! Ask them to make up a shopping list? Create a family quiz? Design a menu? Draw or doodle? Here are some other ideas to inspire and develop a budding author using st


Did you know people who speak more than one language have improved memory, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills? They are also really good at concentrating, multi-tasking and have excellent listening skills. What's not to like about languages

Learn a language as a family with Northern Alliance Languages  Family Learning ( 

Gaelic resources and family challenges.

Science at Home  

Our world is an amazing place. Every child is a scientist - they have so many questions. How do things work?  Why did that happen? Here are some fun ideas to try out at home to help find the answers. Learn about incredible animal with the The New Big 5 Project  and take a look at the  Big 5 Fun Pack   MacDuff Aquarium   Oceans & Plastics  TechFest2020   

Expressive Arts 

Increasing confidence and self esteem builds a foundation for all learning not mention having fun.

Lots of websites and resources in music, art and design, drama and dance so that your children can explore their creative side. 

Getting Active 

Staying active keeps our bodies fit and healthy but in fact helps our minds stay healthy too.

Physical Activities

Mindfulness Activities   

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood 

Lots of ideas about making Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood learning part of everyday conversations and activities. 

Online Safety

With many families and young people spending more time online than ever before, it is important that everyone has access to easy-to-use, fun and positive online safety resources. Being connected is so important right now, and we want to make sure that your children are safe and happy when they are spending time online. 

BBC Bitesize


Education Scotland


Children's Library



BP Education

CAMHS Resourses

The NHS Grampian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) has developed information and activity packs to help young people and their parents look after their wellbeing.

Children under 12 
