Teenage Years

Learning at Home with your teenager

Parenting teenagers can be tricky at the best of times, but having a teenager confined at home during the coronavirus crisis isn't easy and definitely comes with additional challenges.

Friendships and socialising are hugely important in the lives of teenagers. Bonding with friends is an essential part of adolescent development. If your teenager is finding it difficult being stuck at home with you and their siblings, then talking specifically about things can help to reassure them.

Online Safety

Being connected is so important right now, and we want to make sure that your teenagers are safe and happy when they are spending time online.

A range of ideas and suggestions to help parents, carers understand and support learning at home during COVID19. The activities are aimed at a secondary age young people

Teen Self Care

Activities to help Teens look after themselves

Managing Screen Time

Age 14+ Tips and Clip

Managing Screen Time

Age 11-14 Tips & Clip


Budgeting skills help teenagers learn the value of money as well as planning for the future.

RBS and Barclays budgeting websites will help your child to understand money.


There are lots of student recipes available online.

Or try some of these meal planning apps:

First Aid

Learn these basic first aid skills with the Red Cross

Parenting Teens

What do they need to grow and develop?

Five Top Tips

Lots of ideas about making Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood learning part of everyday conversations and activities.

Expressive Arts

Lots of websites and resources in music, art and design, drama and dance so that your children can explore their creative side.

CAMHS Resourses

The NHS Grampian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) has developed information and activity packs to help young people and their parents look after their wellbeing.



Care for the Family

Teen podcasts

Parenting Across Scotland

Teenager Tips

Parent TV

Conversations with other parents

Relate Scotland

Communicating with Teenagers