Skills and Careers Information

  • The Skills Development Scotland centre at 381 Union Street has now re-opened for walk-ins and appointments. To arrange an appointment, please call 01224 285200.

  • Call the Helpline to speak to an expert adviser

  • Find lots of career information and advice at

Leaving school is always an uncertain time. If your child is worried about their next steps, Skills Development Scotland can help them understand their options whether it’s college, uni, apprenticeships, getting into a job, or further learning.

Career services are there for everyone and can also support you if your employment or future choices have been impacted recently. Services are free and impartial.

The support from SDS Advisers continues after young people have left school. Our post school advisers are here to continue to help leavers look for opportunities in education, training, employment and apprenticeships. If you would like to arrange an appointment for your young person you can contact our team on 01224 285200..

Watch this video to meet the adviser for your child's school . Please click on the images below to find out more.

SDS have a web service, My World of Work which has lots of information on different job roles, and training and studying options. There are tools to help users discover and understand their strengths and skills, an interview tool and a CV builder.

My World of Work

My World of Work also has a dedicated Parents section highlighting the most relevant parts of the site, and giving advice on having career conversations with your young person. There are webinars covering topics such as subject choice, and options for leavers.

ABZ Works

ABZ Works is a local resource available for everyone to use.

The site provides vital information on local growth industries, and highlights where jobs in Aberdeen are likely to be in the future.

There is information on the pathways into the various growth industries and videos spotlighting the people that work in them. It also provides information on local education opportunities, and the support and training available via the ABZ Works team who can be contacted at

Senior Phase Information for Parents

Senior Phase Parents.pdf