
Routines and structure

Did you know that routines support our behaviour and wellbeing?

A consistent routine can be a struggle to establish at home with all the changes to our home working and learning during COVID-19.

Adopting a good structure to your day helps children and young people feel safe and secure and can reduce any feelings of anxiety they may have during this period of uncertainty.

It also helps to maintain good eating and sleeping habits and promotes positive family relationships. Here are some ideas for creating a structure and routine.

Daily Routines

  • Keep set times for going to bed and getting up in the morning.

  • Maintain self-care routines, for example showering, getting dressed and toothbrushing.

  • Have regular times for meals.

  • Have regular breaks for fresh air and exercise, as far as this is possible.

  • Try and limit time screen time where possible.

  • Respect each other’s privacy we all need space and down time.

Creating new Routines

  • Make Monday to Friday different from the weekend by structuring the timings similar to a normal school day. Remember home isn't school so keep it flexible.

  • Structure your child’s day so they have a variety of activities and break times.

  • Go over your plan with your child and share it the night before so they know what's happening the next day.

  • Look back at day’s activities and talk about what they've done. Focus on the positives, a sense of achievement - praise is so important for children and young people.

Click on the pictures below to find ideas for routines.

Routine template

Primary Structured School Day

6 Good Habits for Learning at Home

Checklist for Learning at Home