Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood

The RSHP resource has information leaflets for parents about RSHP learning at home. They are on every Level page and so are appropriate for parents/carers of children of different ages.

To help parents discuss RSHP learning at home, Airyhall Primary School has provided a voice over to the PowerPoint presentations that would ordinarily be used within the P7 classroom.

Education Scotland have provided information and ideas for parents/carers to support RSHP learning at home. The web page contains information relevant for all stages.

Hey Girls

You can check out our education resources online, which includes heaps of free downloadable content such as quizzes, activities, myth busters, lesson plans and Tips for Dads.

Ask Lara

Animated drama series for 9-13 year-olds following the journey of Lara and her friends as they try to negotiate the physical and emotional changes of puberty such as acne, first dates, periods, friendships and wet dreams.

The Period Comic

An illustrated book that helps girls learn about periods in a fun, intriguing and easy way.

Free on Amazon Kindle throughout June.

Access to Free Sanitary Products

Families can order free sanitary products from CFINE by completing this form:

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