Administrator Induction Coaches

Each Administrator Induction Program candidate will be assigned and experienced administrative coach. With the assistance of a coach, the candidate will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills required of a professional administrator. The role of a coach is one of a guide, not an evaluator. The success of the relationship between the candidate and mentor is built upon trust, confidentiality and a commitment to the goals of the program.

Coach Roles and Responsibilities

  • Participate in all coach sessions required by the Program
  • Submit all required documents (e.g., VCOE Registration, Coach Logs, Coach Program Surveys) by required due dates
  • Assist the administrator candidate by collaboratively developing performance goals as part of an annual Administrator Induction Plan (AIP)
  • Provide a minimum of forty hours of job-embedded coaching that is regular, consistent and ongoing throughout each year of the program
  • Support the individual needs of the site administrator to develop competency, guidance, assistance, and information that leads the candidate to effective professional practices
  • Support the administrator candidate’s consistent practice of self-assessment, investigation and data gathering aligned to outcomes data, and goal setting that intertwines job-embedded leadership performances
  • Facilitate candidate growth and development by providing modeling, classroom observation, guided reflection on practice, and feedback on classroom instruction
  • Use formative assessment supports to inform administrator candidates about their professional performance and growth using a cycle of inquiry and continuous improvement

Coach Application

Program Schedules