Educator Support and Effectiveness


Stan Mantooth,

Ventura County Superintendent of Schools

I welcome you to the Ventura County Office of Education. Our consortium schools serve more than 150,000 students. These students live in a dozen cities and communities, some large, some small, some rural, and some urban. The local school districts vary in size from one school to 29 schools. Our partner charter, private, and independent schools offer specialized programs. You are now one of 20,000 educators, all of whom share a common goal: to provide a high-quality education for all students including special needs students and English learners. Our Ventura County Consortium is unique in that we offer differentiated, high-quality Induction programs to Teacher Induction Credential candidates, Designated Subjects Credential candidates, and Administrator Induction candidates, as well as, added authorizations.

Through participation in Educator Support and Effectiveness Programs, you will become an accomplished, reflective educator. As a professional educator, you will recognize that learning your craft continues long after you have met your credential program requirements.

The Educator Support and Effectiveness staff acknowledges that you have a demanding schedule. The Programs are designed to create an environment in which you can learn from your experiences rather than be overwhelmed by them.

On behalf of the educational community, I recognize your efforts to increase your own learning and that of your students. I wish you every success. I value you as an educator and sincerely believe that your participation will prepare you, as you become a part of our “Commitment to Quality Education for All.

Best wishes for the school year.

Stan Mantooth

Ventura County Superintendent of Schools