Perineum - LO 12

12. Diagram the branches of the internal pudendal artery.

The internal pudendal a. is one of the terminal branches of the anterior division of the internal iliac a. It exits the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen, and then enters the ischio-anal fossa via the lesser sciatic foramen and pudendal canal. 

The internal pudendal a. is the primary source of blood to the skin, muscles, and erectile bodies of the perineum. The external pudendal a., a branch of the femoral a., also supplies portions of the anterior perineum.

Branches of the internal pudendal a. include:

The internal pudendal vv. receive blood from the deep vv. of the clitoris / penis, dorsal vv. of the clitoris / penis, v. of the bulb, perineal v., and inferior rectal v. Typically, the pudendal vv. are venae comitantes of the internal pudendal a. that coalesce as a single internal pudendal v. that travels through the pudendal (Alcock's) canal to join the internal iliac v.