Knee & Distal Lower Limb Written Learning Objectives

1. Identify the joints of the knee region and associated structures. Explain what types of movement occur at these joints and other pertinent clinical information.

The knee joint is a complex of 3 articulations: 

When observing the articular surfaces of the medial and lateral condyles of the femur & the tibia, one can see the notable incongruence of the articulations. Due to this incongruence, accessory structures (muscles/tendons, ligaments, and menisci) are vital to the structural integrity of this joint.



Extracapsular Ligaments: located outside (or as a thickening) of the articular capsule

Intra-articular Ligaments: located within the articular capsule

Menisci: fibrocartilaginous structures that deepen the articular surfaces of the tibial condyles and play a role in shock absorption

Clinical Considerations

2. Describe the organization of neurovasculature in the popliteal fossa.

The popliteal fossa is located in the posterior knee region and while mostly filled with adipose tissue, it is also an important region for neurovasculature to traverse between the thigh and leg. It is located between the distal tendons of the hamstring mm. superiorly and the proximal tendons of the gastrocnemius m. inferiorly.

The neurovasculature is organized in the popliteal fossa from superficial to deep (or posterior to anterior):

3. Identify the joints of the ankle region and major intertarsal joints and associated ligaments. Explain what types of movement occur at these joints and other pertinent clinical information.

The ankle region hosts 4 joints: 

Distal Tibiofibular Joint

The distal tibiofibular joint is one of the 3 articulations between the tibia and fibula, in a similar arrangement to what was located between the radius and ulna of the forearm (a proximal joint, an interosseous membrane, and a distal joint.


The largest difference between the forearm and the leg is the degree of movement occurring, with only very slight movements occurring between the bones of the leg. However, the distal tibiofibular joint is important in helping maintain stability of the ankle joint, and damage to ligaments associated with a joint (and potentially the interosseous membrane) are often termed high ankle sprains.

Talocrural (Ankle) Joint

The talocrural (ankle) joint involves the:

Talocrural Joint Actions

The ankle joint is a hinge joint allowing movement in one plane of motion, although it should be noted that these movements rarely occur in a vacuum and often occur in unison with action at intertarsal and other surrounding joints.

The actions at this joint include:

Ligaments Supporting Talocrural Joint

Similar to most other hinge joints, there are ligaments located on the medial and lateral sides (types of collateral ligaments). However, at the ankle joint, they are not organized as one solid structure but instead an amalgamation of smaller ligaments.

Clinical Considerations

Ankle sprains are the most common injuries involving the ankle joint as well as one of the most common MSK injuries. These types of injuries are most common after over-inversion during plantarflexion and injury to the lateral ligaments of the ankle, in particular the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL).

Intertarsal Joints

There are intertarsal joints between each articulating tarsal bone, but there are two that are involved in the movements of inversion (bring sole/plantar surface of the foot medially) & eversion (bring sole/plantar surface of the foot laterally). These joints include:

Subtalar joint

The subtalar joint is the articulation between the talus and the calcaneus (e.g. the joint inferior to/below the talus). The majority of the mobility necessary for inversion and eversion occurs at this joint.

Transverse tarsal joint

The transverse tarsal joint is a complex joint involving 2 separate joints that are aligned on a similar plane. This includes the articulations between the talus and navicular (talonavicular) and the calcaneus and cuboid (calcaneocuboid). This complex of joints will augment and further allow the movements of inversion and eversion.

4. Identify the major muscles, innervation, actions, and clinical considerations of the anterior leg.

One of the three compartments of the leg, the anterior compartment is located anterior to the interosseous membrane located between the tibia and fibula. While it is called anterior, the compartment actually is oriented anterolaterally, with the shaft of the tibia oriented anteromedially.

There are 4 muscles in the anterior compartment:



Clinical Considerations

As previously discussed, this compartment is particularly susceptible to compartment syndrome due to relatively thick and unyielding deep fascia.

5. Identify the major muscles, innervation, and actions of the lateral leg.

The lateral compartment is the smallest of the 3 compartments of the leg. There are 2 muscles in this compartment:



6. Identify the major muscles, innervation, and actions of the posterior leg.

The largest of the leg compartments, the posterior compartment can be subdivided into larger, (superficial) and smaller (deeper) subcompartments.


All muscles in the posterior compartment are innervated by the tibial n., the larger of the two terminal branches of the sciatic n.

Superficial Subcompartment

The superficial subcompartment consists of three muscles, but two are the largest in the overall posterior compartment and form most of the bulk in this region. The plantaris muscle is also included in the subcompartment but is relatively weak in actions.

The muscles include:


Deep Subcompartment

There are four muscles in the deep subcompartment, but these are small and tend to be weaker in terms of contraction power. Additionally, these muscles tend to be difficult to differentiate at the muscle belly region without following distal tendons to attachment sites.

The muscles in this compartment include:


Many of these muscles work in synergistic roles with other more powerful muscles and play a role in flexion of the knee joint (e.g. popliteus m.), and plantar flexion of ankle joint (FHL, FDL, tibialis posterior mm.).

The tibialis posterior m. works with the tibialis anterior m. to invert the subtalar and transverse tarsal joints.

The flexor digitorum & hallucis longus mm. flex digits 1-5 of the foot

7. Describe the organization of deep fascia of the foot with an emphasis on the plantar aponeurosis.

The deep fascia of the foot is continuous with the crural fascia in the leg. It is relatively thin on the dorsum of the foot (superior surface), but is notably thicker on the plantar (inferior) surface of the foot - this is referred to as plantar fascia.

Plantar fascia

The plantar fascia is important in protecting the plantar surface of the foot from injury, and is divided into:

The plantar aponeurosis extends from the calcaneus to form distal digital sheaths. The plantar aponeurosis plays an important role in supporting the medial longitudinal arch, utilizing its inherent tensile strength to prevent collapse of the arch of the foot upon vertical load.

Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia.

8. Describe the main arches of the foot, function and structures that support them.

Arches of the foot are important in distributing weight and absorbing shock that occurs during locomotion. 

The medial longitudinal arch is the highest and most noticeable arch, located on the medial side of the foot.

The lateral longitudinal arch is located on the lateral side of the foot, is much flatter, and is typically in contact with the ground during weight bearing.

The transverse arch runs transversely between the longitudinal arches.

The integrity of the arches of the foot are maintained by numerous factors, including shape of articulating bones, tendons and intrinsic mm. that run along the sole of the foot, but of most importance, are the plantar aponeurosis and plantar ligaments (spring, long plantar, & short plantar).

Pes planus (‘flat feet’) involve relatively shallow medial longitudinal arches. These can be caused by bone and/or connective tissue deformities or acquired (which is often referred to as ‘fallen arches’).