Abdominal Wall, Peritoneum and Intestines - LO 8

8. Compare and contrast the small and large intestines, and describe the blood supply to both.

The small intestine consists (proximally to distally) of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The small intestine mesentery (aka ‘THE’ mesentery) anchors the jejunum and ileum to the posterior abdominal wall. The mucosa of the small intestine are characterized by circular folds, except in the first part of the duodenum and terminal portions of the ileum. Functionally, these folds serve to increase surface area for absorption and segmentalize the intestine.

The ileocecal valve is located at the junction of the ileum of the small intestine and cecum of the large intestine. The valve is composed of a localized thickening of muscle, and serves to impede reflux and regulate transit of the small intestine.

The large intestine is comprised of several regions, proximal-to-distal: the cecum & appendix, ascending colon, R. colic (hepatic) flexure, transverse colon, L. colic (splenic) flexure, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum.  

The outer longitudinal layer of the muscularis of the colon condenses into three bands of muscle: the taeniae coli. Deviations of fibers from the free taenia coli form circumferential bands around the large intestine at regular intervals. These bands give the large intestine a sacculated appearance, and these sacs are known as haustra. Appendages of the large intestine are omental appendices, fat-filled outpouchings from the peritoneum. Semilunar folds of colon are caused by the haustra of the colon. Unlike the circular folds of the small intestine, the semilunar folds do not form complete rings.

Small Intestine Blood Supply (excluding duodenum)

Large Intestine Blood Supply