Wrist, Hand and Foot - LO 9

9. Describe the blood supply to the foot.

The posterior tibial a., which enters the foot behind the medial malleolus, divides into the medial & lateral plantar aa. The medial plantar a. supplies the medial compartment and part of the central compartment of the foot. The lateral plantar a. supplies the lateral compartment and part of the central compartment part of the foot.

On the dorsum of the foot, the anterior tibial a. continues as the dorsalis pedis a. As it crosses the ankle and runs onto the dorsum of the foot, it runs just lateral to the tendon of the extensor hallucis longus (extensor of the hallux) m. This dorsalis pedis a. dives between the 1st and 2nd toes to anastomose with arteries on the plantar surface of the foot.