2015-2016 Resources

Sequence 1: Foundations of Molecular Medicine

         Session 1: Superficial Back and Pectoral Region


        Session 2: Deep Back and Spinal Cord

Sequence 2: Cardiorespiratory 


        Session 3: Thoracic Wall, Pleura, and Pericardium

        Session 4: Heart

        Session 5: Superior and Posterior Mediastinum and Lungs

Sequence 3: Musculoskeletal

        Session 6: Bones, Joints, and Movement

        Session 7: Overview of Upper Limb

        Session 8: Overview of Lower Limb

        Session 9: Shoulder and Brachial Plexus


        Session 10: Gluteal/Hip Region and Knee

        Session 11: Hand and Foot

Sequence 4: Gastrointestinal

        Session 12: Abdominal Wall

        Session 13: Peritoneal Cavity and Intestines

        Session 14: Stomach, Liver and Spleen

        Session 15:  Duodenum, Pancreas and Retroperitoneum

Sequence 5: Reproductive

        Session 16: Pelvic Cavity and Viscera

        Session 17: Pelvic Neurovasculature


        Session 18: Perineum

Sequence 6: Immunology 

        Session 19: Neck

        Session 20: Pharynx and Larynx

Sequence 7: Central Nervous System (CNS)

        Session 21: Scalp, Cranial Cavity and Meninges

        Session 22:  Face, TMJ and Masticatory Muscles

        Session 23: Ear, Oral and Nasal Cavities

        Session 24: Eye