Bones, Joints and Movement - LO 12

12. Identify the major joint and associated ligaments in the ankle & foot region. Explain what kind of movements occur at the joints and other pertinent information.

The talocrural (ankle) joint is a hinge joint (dorsiflexion & plantarflexion) formed by distal fibula and tibia and the superior talus.

The [anatomical] subtalar joint is located at the articulation of the talus and calcaneus. A [clinical] subtalar joint is often described due to the functional similarities between the anatomical subtalar joint and talocalcaneonavicular joint, talocalcaneal part. These separate joints function in unison and are often considered together.

The transverse tarsal joint is a combined (compound) joint composed of the calcaneocuboid joint and the talocalcaneonavicular joint, talonavicular part. This joint assists and augments the eversion/inversion action.