Perineum - LO 8

8. Understand the origins of the internal iliac a., and diagram its branches associated with the pelvis.

The common iliac a. bifurcates into its terminal branches, external & internal iliac aa., at approximately the level of the pelvic brim or the L5/S1 intervertebral disc.

The external iliac aa. are larger than the internal iliac aa., and supply the lower limb. The internal iliac aa. supply structures associated with pelvic and gluteal regions.

The internal iliac a. divides into anterior and posterior divisions at approximately the level of greater sciatic notch.

The posterior division of internal iliac a. primarily serves musculature of the back and hip. The anterior division of internal iliac a. supplies pelvic viscera & musculature.

Posterior division of internal iliac a. - branches

Anterior division of internal iliac a. branches