Kidneys and Urinary System - LO 6

6. Describe the basics of the autonomics serving the kidneys and ureters.

The kidneys are served by both sympathetics and parasympathetics through the renal plexus, which surrounds the renal aa.

The sympathetics are derived from thoracic splanchnic nn., particularly the least splanchnic n., if present. Additional sympathetic innervation comes from the 1st lumbar splanchnic n. And the aortic plexus. 

The parasympathetics are derived from fibers of the posterior vagal trunk.

The ureters are served by both sympathetics and parasympathetics through fibers of various plexuses, such as aortic, renal, and superior & inferior hypogastric plexuses.

The visceral afferents travel with sympathetics and are typically referred to cutaneous areas innervated by T11-L2 spinal nerves. This includes the inferior quadrants and extending towards the external genitalia; thus, the mnemonic ‘from the loin to the groin’ for ureteric referred pain.